Product Spotlight: Turner Designs Cyclops-7 CDOM Sensor
0There are many methods for determining CDOM in water, but the simplest and most cost efficient way is to utilize in situ fluorescence. Turner Designs has developed an in situ Cyclops-7 CDOM fluorometer that uses ultraviolet (UV) excitation for CDOM detection.
Colored (or chromophoric) dissolved organic matter (CDOM) often gives water a brownish or yellowish hue. CDOM naturally forms from trees and other vegetation in the landscape around water bodies but is also concentrated in water from agriculture and improper land use. It often regulates transparency to both visible light and damaging ultraviolet radiation in lakes, and it is a food source that forms the basis of aquatic food webs, providing nutrients for algae and energy for bacteria.
When the Cyclops-7 CDOM fluorometer emits UV light into the water sample, CDOM fluoresces in the same manner a black light shining on clothing produces different color light. The fluorescence is registered by a photodiode inside the sensor and outputs a measurable voltage. The voltage is proportional to the concentration of CDOM.
Cyclops-7 submersible fluorometer sensors are ideal for integration into remote data collection and telemetry platforms for long-term lake monitoring applications. The rugged stainless steel construction is designed to withstand most environmental conditions. For stationary deployments in highly corrosive environments, titanium sensor housing is also available.
For more details, call Fondriest Environmental at (888) 426.2151, e-mail, or visit