Product Spotlight: Vaisala WXT520 Multi-Parameter Weather Sensor
0 The Vaisala WXT520 multi-parameter weather sensor measures wind speed and direction, liquid precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. The sensor consumes little power and has no moving parts, making it ideal for remote weather stations.
These units are commonly deployed for lake monitoring projects that could benefit from meteorological data. For example, Acton Lake in southwest Ohio experiences periodic spikes in turbidity when it rains. A near by meteorology station using the WXT520 helps researchers time visits to the lake when these visible brown plumes are present so they can take samples.
Wind speed and direction are measured ultrasonically by the WXT520 with Vaisala’s advanced WINDCAP sensor. In order to ensure accurate wind measurement in all directions, without blind angles or corrupted readings, the sensor utilizes an array of three equally spaced ultrasonic transducers in a horizontal plane. The WINDCAP sensor eliminates nearly all problems common to mechanical sensors, such as damage and wear of moving parts, slow response times, and the inability to detect wind speed below threshold levels.
Rainfall intensity and duration are measured with the Vaisala RAINCAP sensor, which is the only maintenance-free precipitation sensor on the market. This sensor detects the impact of raindrops. The impacts exert signals that are proportional to the volume of the drops. The RAINCAP converts the signal from each drop into rainfall intensity and duration. Due to this measurement method, problems common to traditional precipitation gauges, such as flooding, clogging, wetting, and evaporation losses, are eliminated. The RAINCAP sensor can also distinguish different types of precipitation, such as hail.
Barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity sensors are housed in a ventilated chamber. These sensors provide highly accurate and stable readings for two years without any required maintenance. The unit is easy to remove for calibration or replacement if needed.
All sensors within the WXT520 are calibrated at the Vaisala factory. After assembly, the WXT520 needs to be mounted, aligned, and connected to a data logger and power source. Mounting is possible with a one-bolt mounting method.
The WXT520 is water resistant and classified as IP66. The wind and rain sensors can optionally be equipped with a heating element to prevent snow and ice buildup in severe weather conditions. A bird deterrent kit is also available.
For more details, call Fondriest Environmental at (888) 426.2151, e-mail, or visit