Research Brief: Research Need in the Lake Victoria Basin
A 2023 study presents existing research gaps, existing capacity, and presents a way forward for priority research in the Lake Victoria Basin
A 2023 study presents existing research gaps, existing capacity, and presents a way forward for priority research in the Lake Victoria Basin
Climate change-induced changes to the Great Lakes regions have led to resurgent eutrophication in Lake Erie’s western basin. This eutrophication is characterized by the ever-familiar algal blooms that dominate the[…]
The African Great Lakes region provides a host of ecosystem services to the surrounding countries, including Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia. Like other Great[…]
Climbing air temperatures have led lakes across the world to dry, disrupting ecosystem services and environments. In the Lake Urmia Basin, disruptions have impacted global and regional food production in[…]