Prozac for fish: no prescription needed
Although they’re tightly regulated for people, requiring careful evaluation and a medical doctor’s approval, fish need no such prescription to gain access to a steady dose of Prozac and other[…]
Although they’re tightly regulated for people, requiring careful evaluation and a medical doctor’s approval, fish need no such prescription to gain access to a steady dose of Prozac and other[…]
In the six months since an action plan to clean Grand Lake St. Marys was released, there has been visible progress toward improving the water quality and economy of the[…]
Exactly how mercury enters the food chain remains a mystery and is an area of recent research. Core samples have shown that post-industrialization levels of mercury are about 3-5 times[…]
Coal-tar based pavement sealant is the leading source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in 40 urban lakes spanning the nation, according to research from the U.S. Geological Survey published this[…]